Als Iman tot onderzoeksrechter bij de revolutionaire rechtbank in Teheran gepromoveerd wordt heeft dat grote impact op zijn gezin. Want tegelijk vinden de politieke protesten plaats naar aanleiding van de dood van Mahsa Amini in 2022. Een intrigerende plot ontwikkelt zich, tot op het paranoïde af…
De nieuwe baan van Iman -door een promotie is hij nu onderzoeksrechter bij de revolutionaire rechtbank in Teheran- legt hem en zijn gezin, zijn vrouw en hun dochters, onder een vergrootglas. Tegelijk escaleert de politieke situatie in het land vanwege de vele verboden protesten. Regisseur Rasoulof verwerkt echte protesten in 2022-2023 naar aanleiding van de dood van Mahsa Amini en de daardoor beroemde geworden leus Woman, Life, Freedom, direct in zijn film. Wat is de impact van zoiets groots op een enkel gezin? Een intrigerende plot ontwikkelt zich, tot op het paranoïde af…
In English:
When Iman is promoted to investigative judge at the revolutionary court in Tehran, it has a major impact on his family. Because at the same time the political protests are taking place following the death of Mahsa Amini in 2022. An intriguing plot develops, even to the point of being paranoid…
Iman’s new job -he has been promoted and now an investigating judge at the revolutionary court in Tehran- puts him and his family, his wife and their daughters, under a magnifying glass. At the same time, the political situation in the country is escalating due to many banned protests. Director Rasoulof incorporates real protests in 2022-2023 following the death of Mahsa Amini and the resulting famous slogan Woman, Life, Freedom, directly into his film. What is the impact of something so big on a single family? An intriguing plot develops, even to the point of being paranoid…
A target of Iran’s hardline conservative government for his films’ criticism of the state, director Mohammad Rasoulof fled his home country to avoid an eight-year prison sentence, though he hadn’t finished editing his latest film yet. His searing drama The Seed of the Sacred Fig won a Special Prize from the jury and three other awards on its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. The film is every bit as urgent and gripping as its real-life backstory would portend. Both paranoia thriller and domestic drama, The Seed of the Sacred Fig is above all an epic of anti-patriarchal political conviction.